Drink #9


I often wake up in the morning to find 2am texts from Taraleigh asking me where I am. That’s just the way she rolls. One might describe her as “good to go”. I’m not sure where she gets her energy but I admire it. 

I first met Taraleigh when she was in a very different place in her life. In the last two years I have watched her transform with such determination and heart it really makes me want to live my own life more fully. 

For our drink we did a Sunday night catch up. Sundays are her Saturdays and I think she gets frustrated with us Monday to Friday types. But this night I was all hers. She filled me in on her latest goings-ons because there is ALWAYS something new going on. I told her everything is the same with me. It’s a true example of only getting back from life what you put in to it. Taraleigh walks into a party and introduces herself to everybody. I head for the kitchen and hang by the snacks. She leaves with a new handful of Facebook friends, twitter followers and next weekend plans. I usually leave yawning and fantasizing about watching the next episode of whatever TV show I’m currently addicted to. Her openness is not without consequence of course. You never know what’s on the other side of a door until you open it. She’s found some jackpots and her fair share of disappointing parting  gifts. She takes it all in stride.

Over our drink though TL talked about dreams of leaving the city and returning to the country life from which she came. I think she could do it but I’d miss her. It is having people like her around that pushes me to do projects like this one. She thinks I should be having drinks with 40 strangers but my transformation is going to be slower than hers.