Drink #7
I was thrilled to learn Jill was in town and would be able to meet up for a drink. 40 Drinks project or not, we always try to see each other when we are in the same city. Jill is from a suburb of Toronto, spent some time in Halifax long after I had left, and now lives in Vancouver where she moved for love. We came into each other’s lives many moons ago when I dated her bother. As I told her over our drink, she’s one of the best things to come out of that relationship.
We’ve each seen each other through several boyfriends since. She now has a fantastic husband and together they are in the daunting process of trying to buy a house in Vancouver. In fact as we drank, she was awaiting news of whether their current offer would be accepted. I gave as much advice as I could as someone who put in at least four offers before getting the house I’ve lived in now for the last eight years. Buying a house is one of the most excruciating, nerve wracking, insanely stressful and “adult” things one can do. Fate will bring you the right house I said. She wasn’t so sure. [Update: They got the house!]
Jill was in Toronto as it turns out for her aforementioned brother’s wedding. She was hesitant to talk about it with me but I assured her it was quite alright. Part of the new 40 year old me is to let things go, but truthfully I had let that one go a long time ago. The older you get, the older your exes get too and these things happen. Another ex got married two weeks ago. The others are in domestic partnerships as far as I can tell. I’m happy for all of them, or I don’t really care. Either way it’s all fine. Seriously. That’s the 40 year old me talking.