Drink #40
It’s fitting that Tania is my last drink date of this series and it’s fitting that we drank at this legendary Queen street establishment where we have been drinking together for 12 years now. Like for many people in this country, I can say Tania is largely responsible for what my life looks like right now. For better or for worse, she gave me my first television job in this city. Without tooting my own horn, I’ll say she has a real eye for talent and a generosity in giving people chances. Her judgement is good and that is the type of person you want to learn from.
We haven’t always worked together though we do now. We have mostly always lived a few blocks apart and our favourite haunt is equidistant from both homes. We’ve been through a lot of changes over the years and always find ourselves here pouring over our decisions, regretting our choices and celebrating our victories.
On this night, she had just returned from an amazing trip. Tania doesn’t vacation, she ventures. If a destination is easy, she won’t go. If the native population is thriving, she’s not interested. If the road is most travelled, she will not be walking down it. So against her better judgement, she had just spent a string of carefree days at a gorgeous Italian villa with multiple terraces, and pool AND ocean front property. It was a break she very much deserved.
As our night went on and her anecdotes made me more and more jealous, a strange thing happened. Almost like the closing scene in a female driven comedy (chick flick) an older woman (our future?) stopped at our table and offered to take our picture. Though we declined she insisted and told us her life is strange (an omen?). She then caught up with her friend and the two ladies disappeared into the night. That WILL be Tania and I one day. Maybe I’ll be updating our journey in a “NiftyFifty” tumblr in 10 years. Will they still have the internet then?