Drink #11
When you are a teenager, two years is the world. That’s why even though Peter and I went to the same highschool at the same time we didn’t socialize. I was older and as it turns out, I still am!
I don’t even remember how we re -met but it was also a very long time ago. Like so many of my friends now, but not a lot of people from Dartmouth Nova Scotia, Peter also ended up in television. In fact he is back living in Halifax enjoying life as an executive big wig on a hit show.
Over drinks we talked a lot about the city we both hold close to our hearts. Inevitably those who didn’t scurry towards the bright lights of Montreal, Toronto or Vancouver have settled down with spouses and kids. That doesn’t leave much of a nightlife for a for a man in his 30s workin’ for the weekend. I know the feeling of going back there and, after visiting all the toddlers, not having much else to do. I hate to say it about the place that made me who I am but I can’t ever see going back. Peter probably didn’t see that for himself either but sometimes work calls.
Our conversation then took a (more) depressing turn. We shared our knowledge of who from highschool has now died. Yes, this is happening already. These aren’t accidental deaths, these people have lost their battles with the spectrum of killers that make up the statistics that I never feel apply to me. Only adults get heart disease and cancer, right? I guess after turning 40 I’m securely in that zone.
Though sad on paper, or I guess on screen, my drink with Peter was delightful. He’s ambitious as all get out and I thrive off that. We talked a bit of business, a bit of gossip, then headed to a 40th surprise party. Thank God there are enough people in this town who also have no place to be the next morning.